
a large spider on a wall

Bisbee and Tombstone

Jan 2nd - Jan 8th (6 days)

Discovering Bisbee

As we headed back out west, we stopped at a little mountain town called Bisbee. It was pretty hard to get into the campground, involving some low bridges and tight turns! The town was nice to walk through with some interesting little shops and bars.

a man sitting on a traina building with a green door and a red truck parked outsidea train going through a tunnela fire in a cavea person working on a machinea group of people sitting on a bencha train with a person walking on the platforma large spider on a wall

Exploring Tombstone

We also went north to Tombstone, where the famous Shootout at the O.K. Corral took place. It was pretty cool to see, but it was also a big tourist trap.

a sign in front of a storea street with a row of storesa restaurant with menusa group of people sitting in a bara close up of a label
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